涓嶅畾浠e悕瑭 (Indefinite Pronoun)
鍙兘/椤樻湜寮 (Optative Tense)
寰炴牸鐨勭敤娉 (Ablative Case)
锛戯紟妲嬫垚锛 |
(瑾炲熬璁婂寲寰岀殑) 鐤戝晱浠e悕瑭 |
锛 |
ci(d) 鎴 cana |
(1) 鎸囥屼汉銆 koci 鏌愪汉 (someone)
kassaci 鏌愪汉鐨 (of someone)
(2) 鎸囥(浜)鐗┿ kibci 鏌愪簨鐗 (some, something)
(3) 鎸囥屼簨銆 kathabci 鏌愭柟寮 (somehow)
(4) 鎸囥屾檪銆 kadaci 鏌愭檪 (sometime, once (upon a
time) ) (涓嶅畾鍓)
(5) 鎸囥屽湴銆 katthaci 鏌愯檿 (somewhere) (涓嶅畾鍓)
锛旓紟寮曠敵璁婂寲 (浠ヤ笅 ci(d) 鍙敤 cana 浠f浛銆傚張 ci 涔嬪緦鍙兘鍔 api > capi)
(1) 鍏ㄩ儴鑲畾(universal) 涔嬩竴锛 |
闂滀總浠e悕瑭 锛 涓嶅畾浠e悕瑭 |
A. 鎸囥屼汉銆 yo koci 鐒¤珫瑾般佽嫢鏈変汉 (whoever)
yassa kassaci 鐒¤珫瑾扮殑 (whoseever)
B. 鎸囥(浜)鐗┿ yam kibci 鐒¤珫浣曠墿 (whatever)
C. 鎸囥屾檪銆 yam kadaci 鐒¤珫浣曟檪 (whenever)
D. 鎸囥屽湴銆 yattha katthaci 鐒¤珫浣曡檿 (wherever)
(2) 銆屽叏閮ㄨ偗瀹氥嶄箣浜岋細 |
閲嶈闂滀總浠e悕瑭 |
鎴 |
鐪佺暐涓昏瀛愬彞 |
A. 鎸囥屼汉銆 yo yo ... 鐒¤珫浣曚汉 (whoever)
yassa yassa ... 鐒¤珫浣曚汉鐨 (whoseever)
B. 鎸囥(浜)鐗┿ yam yam ... 鐒¤珫浣曠墿 (whatever)
C. 鎸囥屼簨銆 yatha yatha ... 鐒¤珫浣曠ó鏂瑰紡 (however, in
whatever way)
D. 鎸囥屾檪銆 yada yada ... 鐒¤珫浣曟檪 (whenever)
E. 鎸囥屽湴銆 yam yam +鍦版柟... 鐒¤珫浣曡檿 (wherever)
(yattha yattha...)
(3) 鍏ㄩ儴鍚﹀畾(universal with a negtive) 锛 |
锝庯絹 锛 涓嶅畾浠e悕瑭 |
A. 鎸囥屼汉銆 na koci 鐒′汉 (no one, not anyone)
na kassaci 鐒′汉鐨 (of no one)
B. 鎸囥(浜)鐗┿ na kibci 鐒′簨銆佺劇鐗 (nothing, not
C. 鎸囥屼簨銆 na kathabci 鐒℃硶 (no way, not in anyway,
under no circumstances)
D. 鎸囥屾檪銆 na kadaci 鐒′换浣曟檪鍊欍佸緸涓 (never)
E. 鎸囥屽湴銆 na katthaci 鐒′换浣曞湴鏂 (nowhere, not
鈥Evam - eva kho Rahula yassa kassaci sampajanamusavade na - tthi lajja, nqhan
- tassa kibci papam akaraniyan - ti vadami. = 灏卞儚閫欐ǎ锛岀緟渚緟锛鍑℃槸灏
(So too, Rahula, when one is not ashamed to tell a delibrate lie, there is no evil,
I say, that one would not do.) (娉細灞牸 + na tthi锛岀洿璀細銆屾矑鏈(缇炴仴)銆)
鈥Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samana va brahmana va evam kamanam adinavam
yathabhutam pajananti, te vata dukkham jahissanti. = 璜告瘮涓橈紒鍑℃槸浠讳綍
鑳芥柗闄よ嫤鎮c (鏀硅嚜銆屼腑閮ㄢуぇ鑻﹂櫚缍撱)
鈥' Kacci te Vakkali na kibci kukkuccam na koci vippatisaroti. = 璺嬭喀姊紒浣娌掓湁
浠讳綍鎮旀喚锛娌掓湁浠讳綍鎳婃倲鍚э紵锛 ( ' Have you any remorse, Vakkali Have
you any repentance ) (S.III.p.120.L14-15,璺嬭喀姊)
鈥Saddho silena sampanno yasobhogasamappito
Yam yam padesam bhajati tattha tatth' eva pujito
= 鏈夋法淇°佸叿瓒虫垝琛岋紝鏈夊悕璀藉強璨″瘜鑰咃紱
= He who is endowed with faith (devotion) and virtue,
and is possessed of repute and wealth;
everywhere,in whatever land he resorts to,
he is honoured. (Dhammapada 303,娉曞彞缍)
鈥' Tvam kho, tata Ratthapala, amhakam ekaputtako piyo manapo sukhe thito
sukhaparibhato; na tvam, tata Ratthapala, kassaci dukkhassa janasi ... [
Na tam mayam anujanama agarasma anagariyam pabbajjaya]; maranena
pi te mayam akamaka vina bhavissama. Kim pana mayam tam jivantam
anujanissama agarasma anagariyam pabbajjayati ' = 銆屾剾瀛愶紒璩村悞鍜
浣犲垾闆紝鎬庨杭鏈冧綘娲昏憲鏅傚厑瑷变綘闆㈠鍑哄閬庨潪瀹剁敓娲诲憿锛燂紒銆 ('Dear
Ratthapala, you are our only son, dear and beloved. You have been raised in
comfort, brought up in comfort; you know nothing of suffering, dear Rattha-
pala.Even in case of your death we would lose you unwillingly, so how could
we give you our permission to go forth from the homelife into homelessness
while you are still living ') (M.II.p.56.鏈4琛-p.57.L5,璩村悞鍜岀緟缍)
鐝惧湪寮忚獮鍩 |
锛 |
鍙兘/椤樻湜寮忚獮灏 ( -e-,-eyy- ) |
渚 鈥bhu (I) > bhav-eyya 浠栧彲鑳芥渻 (he should be, could be, may be)
鈥man (III) > mabb-eyya 浠栨噳鏈冩兂 (he should think)
鈥kar (VI) > kar-eyya 浠栧彲鑳芥渻鍋 (he should do)
鈥dis (VII) > des-eyya 浠栧彲鑳芥渻鏁 (he may teach)
< bhu > |
sg. |
pl. |
3rd. |
bhav-eyya (浠鍙兘鏈鈥) |
bhav-eyyum (浠栧鍙兘鏈鈥) |
2nd. |
bhav-eyyasi (浣鍙兘鏈鈥) |
bhav-eyyatha (浣犲鍙兘鏈鈥) |
1st. |
bhav-eyyam (-eyyami) (鎴鍙兘鏈鈥) |
bhav-eyyama (鎴戝鍙兘鏈鈥) |
鐨勫嫊浣滐紝濡備腑鏂囩殑銆屼篃瑷便佸彲鑳姐佹噳瑭层佷絾椤樸嶇瓑銆(鑻辨枃鐨 'should',
'would','may' 绛夈)
(1) 鍙兘(Potential)锛
琛ㄩ仈銆屾帹娓佸亣瀹氥佹兂鍍忋 ...銆(閫欐槸銆屽彲鑳/椤樻湜寮忋嶆渶閫氬父鐨
鐢ㄦ硶)銆備緥濡傦細銆濡傛灉浣犺珛姹傜殑瑭憋紝浠栦篃瑷辨渻鎺ュ彈銆(If you ask, he
may accept. ) [鎺ㄦ脯銆佸亣瀹]锛涖浠栧彲鑳芥渻渚嗐(He may come.) [鍙兘]銆
(2) 椤樻湜(Optative)锛
琛ㄩ仈婧拰鐨勫懡浠ゃ佸嫺鍛娿佺椤樸佽珛姹傘侀個璜 ......绛夈備緥濡傦細銆椤樼帇闀
澹锛併(May the King receive long life !) [绁堥]锛涖浣犳渻渚嗗惂锛併(Would
you come ) [閭璜]锛涖浜烘噳琛屾娉锛併(Men should perform dha-
mma !) [缇╁嫏銆佸懡浠ゃ佸嫺鍛]銆
锛擄紟As (to be) 鐨勫叐绋屽彲鑳/椤樻湜寮忋嶅舰寮忥細
(1) 鍩烘湰鍗鍒ワ細
(a) assa 鍨嬶細鐐轰竴鑸父鐢ㄧ殑鍨嬪紡銆
< as > |
sg. |
pl. |
3rd. |
ass-a (浠鍙兘...) (椤樹粬...) |
ass-u (浠栧鍙兘...) (椤樹粬鍊...) |
2nd. |
ass-a (浣鍙兘...) (椤樹綘...) |
ass-atha (浣犲鍙兘...) (椤樹綘鍊...) |
1st. |
ass-am (鎴鍙兘...) (椤鎴...) |
ass-ama (鎴戝鍙兘...) (椤鎴鍊...) |
(b) siya 鍨嬶細鐗瑰垾鐢ㄦ柤銆岃┅闋(poetic)銆嶆垨銆岄潪浜虹ū鐢ㄦ硶(imperso-
nal)銆(銆(鏌愪簨)鍙兘...銆) (it may be, there may be )銆
< as > |
sg. |
pl. |
3rd. |
siya (鎴栬ū/鍙兘 鏈/鏄 鈥) |
siyamsu (siyum) (浠栧戝彲鑳...) |
2nd. |
(siya) |
锛 |
1st. |
(siyam) |
锛 |
(2) 寰窗宸垾锛
鈥siya < atthi锛岃〃閬斻屽瓨鍦ㄣ嶇殑鍙兘鎬с傘(鏌愪簨)鏄彲鑳界殑銆(it
might be that ...)銆併涔熻ū鏈(鏌愮墿)銆(there might
be (st.) )锛岄潪浜虹ū鐢ㄦ硶銆
鈥assa < hoti 锛岃〃閬斻屾搧鏈夈嶇殑鍙兘鎬с傘(鏌愪汉)鍙兘鏈鈥銆(
of (sb.) there would be 鈥)锛屼汉绋辩敤娉曘
濡傦細Siya kho pana bhoto rabbo evam assa : ' ... ' = 鐒惰岋紝鎴栬ū(siya)
鍦嬬帇闄涗笅鏈冮欓杭鎯( 鈥鏈冩湁鈥姝ゆ兂娉曪紝assa)锛氥 ......銆嶃 (but it
migh be (that) of his majesty the king there would be thus (thought,
idea) )
(3) siya 鐨勭壒榛烇細
siya = (鏌愪簨)鏄鍙兘鐨(it might be)锛na siya =
(it might not be)锛屽彲瑕栫偤銆岀洿瑾硶(Indicative)銆 be鍕曡atthi (鏈,
there is)銆n' atthi (鐒,there is not)鎵灏嶆噳鐨勩屽彲鑳芥硶(Optative)銆嶏紝
甯哥敤鏂笺屽摬鐞嗘х殑璜栬堪銆(philosophical discourse)锛岀敤浠ユ柗瑷(assert)
锛旓紟銆屽叾瀹冭獮鎱嬨嶅嫊瑭炵殑鍙兘/椤樻湜寮 (Optative of Other Voices)
闄ゃ岀洿瑾硶涓诲嫊鎱嬨(Indicative Active)澶栵紝銆岃鍕曞嫊瑭炪 (Passive)銆併屼娇
鈥у彲鑳/椤樻湜寮 -- 鐢ㄦ柤鍋忛噸銆岄鏈涙х殑銆嶃併屽亣瑷х殑銆嶇媭娉(甯哥敤鏂
銆屼粬绋便)锛屼緥濡傦細銆濡傛灉浠栧緱鍒扮帇鍦嬶紝浠栧皣鏈冨垎鑸鈥 銆--銆屽緱銆
鑸囥屽垎銆嶉兘鐢ㄥ彲鑳芥硶) (if he 'should get' the kingdom, he 'would share'
鈥ф湭渚嗗紡 -- 鐢ㄦ柤鍋忛噸銆屾剰蹇楁х殑銆嶃併岀⒑瀹氭х殑銆嶇媭娉(甯哥敤鏂笺岃嚜
绋便)锛屼緥濡傦細銆濡傛灉鎴戠湡鐨勫緱鍒扮帇鍦嬶紝鎴戝皣鏈冨垎鑸鈥 銆 --銆屽緱銆
鑸囥屽垎銆嶉兘鐢ㄦ湭渚嗗紡) (if I 'do (shall) get' the kingdom, I 'will share'
鈥Siya kho pana bhikkhave Satthu garavena pi na puccheyyatha ... = 鎴栬ū锛岃
姣斾笜锛浣犲鏄嚭鏂煎皪鑰佸斧鐨勫皧鏁涓(鏁)鐧煎晱 ... (perhaps, monks, you do
not ask out of respect for the Teacher ...) (D.II.p.155.L15-16,澶ц埇娑呮缍)
鈥' Siya kho pan' Ananda tumhakam evam assa : " Atita-satthukam pavacanam,
n'atthi no Sattha " ti '. = 銆岀劧鑰岋紝闃块洠锛涔熻ū浣犲鏈閫欓杭鎯锛氥庢暀瑷涔嬪斧
宸叉粎锛佹垜鍊戞矑鏈夎佸斧浜嗭紒銆忋嶃 ('Ananda, it may be that you will think : "
The instruction having lost its teacher, now we have no teacher !" ') (D.II.p.
鈥Sace tvam Ananda Tathagatam yaceyyasi, dve va te vaca Tathagato patikkhip-
eyya, atha tatiyakam adhivaseyya. = 闃块洠锛濡傛灉浣犳噰璜濡備締锛涔熻ū濡備締鍏
娆¢兘鏈帴鍙浣犵殑鎳囨眰锛屽彲鏄涓夋浠栧皣鏈冨悓鎰銆 (If, Ananda, you would
beg him, the Tathagata would twice have refused you, but the third time he
would have consented.) (娉細te vaca 銆屼綘鐨勮┍銆嶏紝鍗炽屼綘鐨勬噰姹傘嶃)
鈥'Ahab c'eva kho pana dhammam deseyyam pare ca me na ajaneyyum, so mam'
assa kilamatho, sa mam' assa vihesa ti.' = 銆岀劧鑰岋紝濡傛灉鎴戣娉曪紝鑰屼粬浜
鎾鍚锛併 (And if I were to teach Dhamma to others and they did not under-
stand me, that would be a weariness and a trouble to me.) (D.II.p.36.L9-11,
鈥Seyyatha pi bhante nikkujjitam va ukkujjeyya paticchannam va vivareyya mulh-
assa va maggam acikkheyya andhakare va tela-pajjotam dhareyya : cakkhu-
manto rupani dakkhintkti. = 銆屽ぇ寰凤紒姝e浣垮掕绔嬭捣銆佽鑰椤従銆佸皪杩
鑰绀轰互閬撹矾銆佹柤榛戞殫涓鎸佷締娌圭噲锛氫娇鏈夌溂鑰呭緱瑕嬭鑹层傘 (It is as if some-
one were to set up what had been knocked down, or to point out the way to
one who had got lost, or to bring an oil-lamp into a dark place, so that those
with eyes could see what was there.) (娉細Seyyatha pi 銆岃濡傘嶏紝璀柣鐨
鍏у澶氫互銆屽彲鑳芥硶(Optative)銆嶈〃閬斻) (D.I.p.85.L8-11,娌欓杸鏋滅稉)
鈥Labheyyqham bhoto Gotamassa santike pabbajjam, labheyyam upasampadan -
ti. = 椤樻垜寰鏂煎ぇ寰峰柆绛旀懇锛堝骇锛夊墠鍑哄銆佸彈鍏凤紒 (I would receive the
going forth under Master Gotama, I would receive the full admission.)
鈥Thanam kho pan' etam avuso vijjati yam idh' ekaccassa bhikkhuno evam iccha
uppajjeyya : Aho vata aham - eva labhi assam panitanam civaranam, na abbo
bhikkhu labhi assa panitanam civaranan - ti. = 涓︿笖锛岃尝鍙嬶紒闂滄柤姝ら粸锛
鍏朵粬姣斾笜鐛插緱鍕濆鐨勮。鏈嶏紒銆 (It is possible that a bhikkhu here might wish :
' Oh that I might be the one to get a superior rob, not some other bhikkhu ! ')
(娉細Thanam kho pan' etam (sb.) vijjati yam ...琛ㄩ仈銆屽彲鑳芥с嶏紝寰岄潰甯
鎺ャ屽彲鑳芥硶(Optative)銆嶅嫊瑭烇紝濡傛渚嬬殑 uppajjeyya銆傚張锛屼緥涓殑 assam
鍙 assa 闆栦篃鏄 Optative锛屼絾琛ㄩ仈銆岄鏈涖嶃) (M.I.p.29.鏈5-1,鐒$缍)
鈥Panam na hane na cqdinnam adiye
Musa na bhase na ca majjapo siya
Abrahmacariya virameyya methuna
= 浜轰笉鎳夋鐢燂紝浜︿笉鎳夊伔鐩滐紙涓嶈垏鍙 = 鍙栨湭鑸囦箣鐗╋級锛
(Let him not kill, nor take what is not given,
Nor utter lies, nor of strong drink partake :
But from unchastity let him abstain.) (A.I.p.214.鏈2-p.215.L1)
鍠暩 瑜囨暩
buddha m. 浣 > buddh-a buddh-ehi
buddh-ato buddh-ebhi
phala n. 鏋 > phal-a phal-ehi
phal-ato phal-ebhi
kabba f. 灏戝コ > kabb-aya kabb-ahi
(1) 寰炴牸鐨勮獮灏惧ぇ鑷翠笂鍚屾柤鍏锋牸(Instrumental)锛闄や簡锛
A. -a绲愬熬涔嬬敺鎬/涓у柈鏁(m.n.sg.)(鍏锋牸鐐 -ena)锛屼互鍙婁笅鍒楄垏 -a
B. 鎸囩ず浠e悕瑭 ta(d),eta(d),ima(m) 涔 (m.n.sg.)銆(鍏锋牸鍒嗗垾鐐tena
C. 闂滀總浠e悕瑭 ya(d) 涔 (m.n.sg.)銆(鍏锋牸鐐 yena)
D. 鐤戝晱浠e悕瑭 ka 涔 (m.n.sg.)銆(鍏锋牸鐐 kena)
E. 鎸囩ū褰㈠瑭 sabba,abba,abbatara,para,apara 绛変箣 (m.n.sg.)銆
(鍏锋牸鍧囩偤 -ena 绲愬熬锛屽 sabbena 绛)
(2) 瑾炲熬 -to 鍙姞鍦ㄤ换浣曡獮鍩轰箣寰岋紝褰㈡垚銆屽緸鏍煎柈鏁搞嶏紝濡buddha-to =
寰炰經(from buddha)銆aggi-to = 寰炵伀(from fire)銆bhikkhu-to = 寰炴瘮
涓(from bhikkhu)銆
(3) 浠e悕瑭炪岀敺鎬/涓э紝寰炴牸鍠暩銆嶄箣瑾炲熬 -sma, -mha 鍚屾檪鍙互鐢
(1) 琛ㄥ嫊浣滈枊濮嬬殑銆岃捣榛炪嶏細寰炪屼綍铏曘嶇櫦鐢熴
(the point from which an action begins) -- from ...
(2) 琛ㄥ嫊浣滅櫦鐢熺殑銆屽師鍥犮佽捣婧愩嶏細寰炪屼綍鍥犮嶇櫦鐢熴
(the cause or origin from which something arises) -- due to ...
(1) 琛ㄥ嫊浣滅殑銆岃捣榛炪嶏細寰炪屼綍铏曘嶇櫦鐢熴
鈥utthay' asana = 寰炲潗铏曡捣渚嗕箣寰 (having got up from (his) seat)
鈥gama gamam = 寰炴潙鑷虫潙 (from village to village)
鈥agarasma pabbajito = 寰炲鍑哄 (gone forth from home)
鈥dasahi ca lokadhatuhi devata ... sannipatita = 涓︿笖锛岀溇澶╀汉寰炲崄鏂逛笘
鐣屼締闆 (and the gods ... assembled from the ten universes)
(2) 琛ㄧず浜嬬墿鐧肩敓鐨勩屽師鍥犮佽捣婧愩嶏細寰炪屼綍鍥犮嶇櫦鐢(Ablative of Cause)
锛屽父鐢ㄦ柤銆岀瀛告/鍝茬悊鎬х殑鏁樿堪銆(scientific/philosophical statement
)琛ㄩ仈銆岀罚璧风殑闂滈fс(causal connections)锛涜嚦鏂煎叾浠栦竴鑸簨浠剁殑
鈥kim karana = 寰炰綍鍥狅紵鍥犱綍锛熺偤浠楹硷紵 (from what cause for what
reason why )
鈥vedanapaccaya tanha = 鍙楃罚鎰 (寰炪屽彈銆嶄箣绶(姊濅欢)鑰屾湁銆屾剾銆) (
desire (is) from (ie,due to) the sensation-cause. ie, desire is caused by
the sensation)
鈥kimpaccaya bhavo =銆屾湁銆嶄締鑷綍绶o紵 (from (or,due to) what cause
(is) existence )
鈥kissa nirodha bhavanirodho = 鐢辨柤浠楹肩殑鎭粎锛屻屾湁銆嶆墠鎭粎锛
(from (ie,due to) the cessation of what (is there) cessation of exis-
tence )
(3) 鏌愪簺浠 -asma 绲愬熬鐨勩屼唬鍚嶈寰炴牸銆嶅凡缍撹綁浣溿屼笉璁婂寲瑭炪嶏紝涓
鈥kasma = 寰炰綍銆佸洜浣曘佺偤浣曪紵 (why )
鈥tasma = 鐢辨銆佸洜姝 (therefore)
鈥yasma ... tasma ... = 鍥犵偤 ... 鎵浠 ... (since ... therefore 鈥)
(1) 琛ㄧず銆岄洟闁嬬殑灏嶈薄銆(闆㈡柤,isolated,separated,secluded from)
鈥vivicca akusalehi dhammehi = 闆㈡柤璜镐笉鍠勬硶涔嬪緦 (having become
separated from bad phenomena)
(2) 琛ㄧず銆屾栫晱鐨勫皪璞℃垨渚嗘簮銆(鏂...鎬栫晱,fear,danger from)
鈥na kuto ci bhayam ... yad idam paccatthikato = 娌掓湁浠讳綍鎭愭嚰鐨勫皪璞
锛屽鏁典汉 (fear (danger) from nowhere, such as from an enemy) (
娉細ku-to 鐐 ku 鐨勫緸鏍硷紝浣滀笉璁婂寲瑭烇紝鎰忚瑐銆屼締鑷綍铏曪紵whence,
where from 銆嶏紝kuto ci bhayam鐩磋锛渚嗚嚜浠讳綍鍦版柟鐨勬亹鎳笺)
(3) 琛ㄧず銆屾瘮杓冩垨鍒ョ暟鐨勫皪璞°(the Object of Comparison or Distinction)
-at -yah -ak
鈥Rupan na prthak wunyata, wunyataya na prthag rupam (姊佃獮)
鈥Rupa na puthu subbata, subbataya na puthu rupam (宸村埄瑾)
= 绌虹劇鐣版柤鑹诧紝鑹茬劇鐣版柤绌 (emptiness does not differ from
form, form does not differ from emptiness)
鈥Na ... vijjati abbo samano va brahmano va bhagavata (Abl.) bhiyyo
'bhibbataro. = 娌掓湁鍏朵粬娌欓杸銆佸﹩缇呴杸姣斾笘灏 鏇村叿璀夋櫤銆(There
is not any other philosopher or priest more learned than the fortunate
one.) (S.V.p.159.L8-9)
(1) 琛ㄩ仈銆屽緸...娣ㄥ寲銆(cleaned or purified from)
鈥vyapada-ppadosa cittam parisodheti = 浠栦娇鍏у績寰炴儽瀹炽佺瀷鎭氭法鍖
(he makes his mind pure from ill-will and anger)
(2) 琛ㄩ仈銆屽緸...瑙h劔銆(freed from slavery,etc.)
鈥cittam asavehi vimuccati = 鍏у績寰炶婕忥紙鐪剧叐鎯憋級瑙h劔 (the mind
is freed from the influxes)
(3) 琛ㄩ仈銆屾柤...鏂逛綅銆(direction from)
鈥dakkhinato nagarassa = (鏂)鍩庡崡 (south of the city) (娉細姝よ檿
(4) 琛ㄩ仈銆岃窛(寰)...鍦版柟/鏅傚欍(distance from space/time)
鈥Ito so bhikkhave eka-timso kappo yam Sikhi bhagava araham samma-
sambuddho loke udapadi. = 璜告瘮涓橈紒璺濅粖涓夊崄涓鍔互鍓嶅案妫勪笘灏
銆侀樋缇呮饥銆佹閬嶈鑰呭嚭鐝炬柤涓栥 (Thirty-one aeons ago Sikhi the
Blessed One, Arahant, fully-enlightened One arose in the world.) (D.
鈥Appossukko tvam papima hohi, na ciram Tathagatassa parinibbanam
bhavissati, ito tinnam masanam accayena Tathagato parinibbayissatkti.
灏囪埇娑呮銆傘 (" You need not worry,Evil One. The Tatha-gata's final
Nibbana will not be long delayed. Three month from now, the Tatha-
gata will take final Nibbana.") (D.II.p.106.L18-20,澶ц埇娑呮缍)
鈥Addasa kho ayasma Vakkali Bhagavantam durato agacchantam. = 灏
鑰呰穻杩︽ⅷ瑕嬩笘灏閬犻仩(寰為仩铏)鑰屼締銆 (The venerable Vakkali saw
the Exalted One coming from the distance.) 锛堟敞锛durato aga-
cchantam锛鍙よ锛閬欒涓栧皧渚嗭級 (S.III.p.120.L1-2,璺嬭喀姊)
(5) 琛ㄩ仈銆屾垝姝€侀仩闆...銆(abstinence/revulsion from)
鈥Samano Gotamo ara-cari virato methuna gama-dhamma ti. = 銆屾矙闁
鐬挎泧鏄仩闆㈣鑰咃紙淇仩闆箣琛岋級锛屽凡闆㈡帆娆插灑绌箣娉曘傘 (The
ascetic Gotama living remotely, has abstained from sexual vulgar cus-
tom.) (D.I.p.4.L9-10,姊电恫缍)
鈥Pisunaya vacaya pativirato Samano Gotamo. = 娌欓杸鐬挎泧宸查洟闆㈤枔
瑾烇紙鍏╄垖锛夈 (The ascetic Gotama has abstained from malicious
speech.) (D.I.p.4.L17-18,姊电恫缍)
(6) 琛ㄩ仈銆岀敱...(鐥)鐥婄檼銆(recover from (illness))
鈥So 'mhi etarahi tamha abadha mutto. = 濡備粖锛屾垜宸茶劔闆㈤偅鐤剧梾銆
(Now, I have freed (recovered) from that illness.) (D.I.p.72.L11-12,
(7) 琛ㄩ仈銆屼箖鑷虫柤...(閰嶅悎yava)銆(limit up to)
鈥Ime pi candima-suriye evam mahiddhike evam mahqnubhave panina
parimasati parimajjati, yava Brahma-loka pi kayena va samvatteti.
= 浠栫敋鑷充互鎵嬬瑙搞佹崼鎽搁偅鍏锋湁濡傛澶х鍔涖佸姝ゅぇ濞佸痉涔嬫棩銆
鏈堬紝鍙堜互韬珨閬鑷虫⒌澶╃晫銆 (He even touches and strokes with his
hand the sun and moon,mighty and powerful as they are; and he reaches
in the body even up to the heaven of Brahma.) (鍙冿細澶ф钘2-417a銆
韬嚦姊靛ぉ锛屾墜鎹棩鏈堛) (D.I.p.78.L7-10,娌欓杸鏋滅稉)
鈥Bhavam hi Sonadando ubhato sujato matito ca pitito ca samsuddhagah-
aniko yava sattama pitamaha-yuga akkhitto anupakkuttho jati-vadena.
= 鍥犵偤绋痉灏婅呭氨鐖剁郴銆佹瘝绯讳簩鑰呰岃█锛岀殕鏄鐢燂紝琛绲辨竻娣紝鐢
浠ユ摼浜傘佽ǘ璨 (The Reverend Sonadanda is well-born on both the
mother's and the father's side, of pure descent up to the seventh genera-
tion , unbroken, of irreproachable birth.) (with no slur put upon him,
and no reproach, in respect of birth) (D.I.p.113.L25-27,绋痉缍)
(8) 琛ㄩ仈銆屽緸...璧枫佸嚭 (閰嶅悎u(d)-(t)tha )銆(rise up from, come out
鈥Atha kho Bhagava sayanha-samayam patisallana vutthito. = 閭f檪锛屼笘
灏婃柤涓嬪崍鏅傚垎寰炵Κ鍧愯捣鍑恒 (And in the evening, the Lord (having)
come out from meditative seclusion.) (娉細sayanha-samayam鍙よ銆
鏅℃檪銆嶏紝鍗冲崍寰岀敵鏅傦紝涓嬪崍涓夋檪鑷充簲鏅傘) (D.II.p.205.L1-2,闂嶅凹
鈥Atha kho Bhagava pathamajjhanam samapajji. Pathamajjhana vuttha-
hitva dutiyajjhanam samapajji. = 閭f檪锛屼笘灏婂叆鍒濈Κ銆傦紙鍙堬級寰
鍒濈Κ璧峰嚭锛岃屽叆浜岀Κ銆 (Then the Lord entered the first jhana.And
leaving that he entered the second.) (D.II.p.56.L4-5,澶ц埇娑呮缍)
(9) 琛ㄩ仈銆岄棞鏂...锛屽緸...瑙榛炪(with reference to,from the standpoint of)
鈥Tathagato atite buddhe ... jatito pi anussarati, namato pi anussarati,
gottato pi anussarati. = 濡備締鎲跺康 ... 閬庡幓璜镐經锛闂滄柤鍏跺嚭鐢锛堣
绲憋級銆佸悕瀛椼佹棌濮銆 (The thus-gone recollects past enlightened
ones with reference to (their) birth, name, and clan.) (D.II.p.8.L15-
(10) 琛ㄩ仈銆岃獚鐐...锛岀暥浣...銆(as ...)锛屽父鐢ㄦ柤銆屼互A (Acc.)鐐B(Abl.)
鈥sarab ca sarato batva asarab ca asarato ... = 纰虹煡鐪熷鐐虹湡瀵︼紝涓嶇湡瀵
鐐轰笉鐪熷涔嬪緦 ... (having seen the real as real, and the unreal as unreal
...) (Dhp.12,娉曞彞缍撯х12闋)
鈥Sukham dukkhato adda dukkham adakkhi sallato. = 浠栬妯傜偤鑻︼紝瑕栬嫤
鐐虹锛堝埡锛夈 (He saw the pleasure as an Ill and pain as a piercing barb.)
(娉細adda = adakkhi < das 瑕,aor.3sg.) (S.IV.p.207.L16-17,鐣惰)
(11) 琛ㄩ仈銆屽オ鍘(voropeti) ...銆(deprive of...)锛屽父鐢ㄦ柤銆屽オ鍘A (鏌
浜Acc.) 涔B (鏌愮墿Abl.)銆(deprive A of B) 鐨勫彞鍨嬩腑銆
鈥Yo pi tinhena satthena sisam chindati, na koci kabci jivita voropeti,
sattannam tv-eva kayanam antarena sattham vivaram anupatati. = 鍗
鍛锛屽彧涓嶉亷鏄紙鍒╋級鍔嶆彯閬庝竷绋厓绱犻枔鐨勯枔闅欑椒浜嗭紒 (Even those
who cut off someone's head with a sharp sword do not deprive anyone
of life, the sword merely passes through the space between the seven
bodies.) (娉細yo鍘熸枃浣ye锛岃) (M.I.p.517.L29-31,鍒檧杩︾稉)
(1) abbatra (闄...涔嬪,except for)
鈥Te vata abbatra phassa patisamvedissantkti n' etam thanam vijjati. =锛堣嫢
鍙椼傘嶏紞锛嶉欐槸绲曠劇鍙兘鐨勩 (It is impossible that they will experience
that feeling without cnotact.) (娉細phassa,-a 浜﹀彲瑕栫偤銆屽叿鏍笺嶏紝
abbatra 涔熷父閰嶅悎銆屽叿鏍笺嶄娇鐢ㄣ 鍙 F銆屽叿鏍肩殑鐢ㄦ硶銆) (D.I.p.
(2) adho (鏂...涔嬩笅,below...)
uddham (鏂...涔嬩笂/涔嬪緦/涔嬪, above/after/beyond...)
鈥Puna ca param bhikkhave bhikkhu imam eva kayam uddham padatala
adho kesa-matthaka taca-pariyantam puram nanappakarassa asucino
paccavekkhati. = 鍐嶈咃紝璜告瘮涓橈紒姣斾笜鐪佸療閫欏嬭韩楂旓紞锛寰炶叧搴
銆 (Again,monks,a monk reviews this very body from the soles of the
feet upwards and from the scalp downwards,enclosed by the skin and full
of manifold impurities.) (D.II.p.293.L10-12,澶у康铏曠稉)
鈥Kayassa bheda uddham jivita-pariyadana na dakkhinti deva-manussa. =
锛堝渚嗭級韬鍛界祩涔嬪緦锛屽ぉ銆佷汉鐨嗕笉鑳借銆 (After the breaking-up
of the body and the exhaustion of the life-span, devas and humans will
see him no more.) (娉細dakkhinti = dakkhanti < das 瑕,pres.3pl.)
(3) araka (闆...寰堥仩,far from...)
鈥... tassa cqyam sila-sampada citta-sampada pabba-sampada abhavita
hoti asacchikata, atha kho so araka va samabba, araka va brahmabba.
= ... 鑰屼粬锛堝嵒锛夋湭鑳芥柤銆屾垝涔嬪湏婊(鍏疯冻)銆佸績锛堝畾锛変箣鍦撴豢銆佹収涔
锛(... but if his morality, his heart and his wisdom are not developed and
brought to realization,then indeed he is still far from being an ascetic or
a Brahmin.) (娉細samabbam 鐐 samana 涔嬫娊璞″寲锛屾剰璎傘屾矙闁娉曘
鍏疯冻鎴掋佸畾銆佹収銆) (D.I.p.167.L16-19,杩﹁憠甯瓙鍚肩稉)
鈥Ye hi keci Ambattha jati-vada-vinibandha va gotta-vada-vinibandha va
... , araka te anuttaraya vijja-carana-sampadaya. = 闃挎懇鏅濓紒鍑℃槸閭d簺
鐐哄嚭鐢熻珫锛堣绲辫锛夋垨鏃忓璜 ... 鎵鏉熺笡鐨勪汉锛屼粬鍊戝鍦璺濄岀劇涓
鏄庛佽鍏疯冻銆嶅緢閬锛 (Those who are enslaved by the reputation based
on birth or clan ... are far from the attainment of the unexcelled know-
ledge-and-conduct.) (娉細anuttaraya vijja-carana-sampadaya 鎰忚锛
銆屾櫤鎱ц垏琛岀偤涔嬫渶涓婃垚灏便) (D.I.p.99.L25-28,闃挎懇鏅濈稉)
(4) param (鍦...涔嬪緦,after...)
鈥' Ime va pana bhonto satta kaya-sucaritena samannagata, vaci-sucaritena
samannagata, mano-sucaritena samannagata, ... , te kayassa bheda
param marana sugatim saggam lokam upapanna ti '. = 銆屾垨鑰呭彟涓鏂
闈紝璜镐綅澶у痉锛侀欎簺鐪剧敓鍏疯冻韬杽琛屻佽獮鍠勮銆佹剰鍠勮锛... 浠栧戝湪
韬銆佹浜′箣寰渚胯綁鐢熷杽瓒c佸ぉ鐣屻傘 ('Or else,friends,these beings
good in action and words and thought, ..., they on the dissolution of the
body after death, are reborn in some happy state in heaven.') (D.III.p.52.
闄勶細 |
寰鏍 瑾炲熬璁婂寲 涓瑕 |
(1) 姣嶉煶绲愬熬鐨勮獮灏捐畩鍖栵細
鍠暩 瑜囨暩
buddha m. 浣 > buddh-a buddh-ehi
buddh-ato buddh-ebhi
aggi m. 鐏 > agg-ina agg-ihi
agg-ito agg-ibhi
bhikkhu m. 姣斾笜 > bhikkh-una bhikkh-uhi
bhikkh-uto bhikkh-ubhi
phala n. 鏋 > phal-a phal-ehi 鍚
phal-ato phal-ebhi
akkhi n. 鐪 > akkh-ina akkh-ihi 鐢
akkh-ito akkh-ibhi
assu n. 娣 > ass-una ass-uhi 鎬
ass-uto ass-ubhi
kabba f. 灏戝コ > kabb-aya kabb-ahi
jati f. 鐢 > jat-iya jat-ihi
nadi f. 娌 > nad-iya nad-ihi
dhenu f. 鐗$墰 > dhen-uya dhen-uhi
jambu f. 闁绘诞妯 > jamb-uya jamb-uhi
(2) 瀛愰煶绲愬熬鐨勮獮灏捐畩鍖栵細
鍠暩 瑜囨暩
attan m. 鑷垜 > attan-a attan-ehi (-ebhi)
att-ato att-ehi
rajan m. 鐜 > rajin-a raj-uhi (-ubhi)
rabb-a raj-ehi (-ebhi)
kamman n. 妤 > kammun-a kamm-ehi (-ebhi)
bhagavant m. 涓栧皧 > bhagavat-a bhagavant-ehi
bhagavant-asma bhagavant-ebhi
gacchant m. 鍘 > gacchat-a gacchant-ehi
(ppr.) gacchant-asma gacchant-ebhi
hatthin m. 璞 > hatthin-a hatth-ihi
hatth-isma hatth-ibhi
gamin n. 灏庤 > gamin-a gam-ihi
gam-isma gam-ibhi
vacas n. 瑾 > vacas-a vac-ehi
vac-(an)a vac-ebhi
ayus n. 澹 > ayus-a ay-uhi
ay-una ay-ubhi
pitar m. 鐖 > pitar-a pitar-ehi (-ebhi)
pit-u * pit-uhi (-ubhi)
matar f. 姣 > matar-a matar-ehi (-ebhi)
mat-uya mat-uhi (-ubhi)
(3) 浠e悕瑭為鐨勮獮灏捐畩鍖栵細
鍠暩 瑜囨暩
ta(d) m.n. 褰 > t-asma t-ehi (-ebhi)
t-amha n-ehi (-ebhi)
eta(d) m.n. 姝 > et-asma et-ehi (-ebhi)
ima(m) m.n. 姝 > im-asma im-ehi (-ebhi)
im-amha ehi (ebhi)
ka m.n. 浣 > k-asma k-ehi (-ebhi)
ka-ci m.n. 鏌 > kasma-ci kehi-ci (kebhi-ci)
ya(d) m.n. 鍏 > y-asma y-ehi (-ebhi)
sabba m.n. 涓鍒 > sabb-asma sabb-ehi (-ebhi)
amu m.n. 姝 > am-usma am-uhi (-ubhi)
ta(d) f. 褰 > t-aya t-ahi (-abhi)
n-aya n-ahi (-abhi)
eta(d) f. 姝 > et-aya et-ahi (-abhi)
ima(m) f. 姝 > im-aya im-ahi (-abhi)
ka f. 浣 > k-aya k-ahi (-abhi)
ka-ci f. 鏌 > kaya-ci kahi-ci (kabhi-ci)
ya(d) f. 鍏 > y-aya y-ahi (-abhi)
sabba f. 涓鍒 > sabb-aya sabb-ahi (-abhi)
amu f. 姝 > am-uya am-uhi (-ubhi)
aham 鎴 > m-aya (me) amh-ehi (no)
tvam 浣 > t-aya (te) tumh-ehi (vo)