Below are some of the ṭīkās, manuals, essays and letters written by the Venerable Ledi Sayādaw.
Paramattha Dīpanī. (Manual of Ultimate Truths) or Abhidhammattha-saṅgaha Mahāṭīkā.
Nirutti Dīpanī. or Vuttimoggallāna ṭīkā.
Vibhatyattha ṭīkā.
Vaccavācaka ṭīkā.
Sāsanasampatti Dīpanī.
Sāsanavipatti Dīpanī.
Paṭṭhānuddesa Dīpanī.*
Sammādiṭṭhi Dīpanī.*
London Pāli Devi Questions and Answers.
Exposition of Buddhism for the West.
Padhāna Sutta (Pāli and word for word meanings).
Yamaka Pucchā Vissajjanā.
Niyāma Dīpanī.*
Vipassanā Dīpanī.*
Rūpa Dīpanī. (Manual of Material Qualities).
Lakkhaṇa Dīpanī. (Manual of Characteri?stics of Existence).
Pāramī Dīpanī. (Manual of Perfections).
Vijjāmagga Dīpanī. (Manual of the Way to the Holy Path-Knowledge).
Nibbāna Dīpanī. (Manual of Nibbāna).
Mahāsayana Dīpanī. (Manual of Great Lying Down).
Uttamapurisa Dīpanī. (Manual of the Real Superman).
Paṭiccasamuppāda Dīpanī. (Manual of Dependent Origination).
Āhāra Dīpanī. (Manual of Nutritive Essence).
Anatta Dīpanī. (Manual of Non-Self).
Anatta Dīpanī. (New).
Kammaṭṭhāna Dīpanī. (Manual of Meditation Subjects).
Ānāpāna Dīpanī. (Manual of Mindfulness of Breathing).
Catusacca Dīpanī. (Manual of the Four Noble Truths).*
Bodhipakkhiya Dīpanī. (Manual of the Factors Leading to Enlightenment).*
Somanassupekkhā Dīpanī. (Manual of Joy and Equanimity).
Bhāvanā Dīpanī. (Manual of Mental Concentration).
Sukumāra Dīpanī.
Saccattha Dīpanī.
Sāsanadāyajja Dīpanī.
Rogantara Dīpanī.
Dhamma Dīpanī.
Dānādi Dīpanī.
Maggaṅga Dīpanī. (Manual of the Constituents of the Noble Path).*
Goṇasurā Dīpanī.
Niyāma Dīpanī. (Manual of Cosmic Order).
Sīlavinicchaya Dīpanī;.
Virati-sīlavinicchaya Dīpanī.
Iṇaparibhoga-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Dīghāsana-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Asaṅkhāra-Sasaṅkhāra-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Sikkhā-gahana-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Cetīyaṅgana-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Upasampadā-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Decision on Ājivaṭṭhamaka Sīla.
Decision on Vikālabhojana-sikkhāpada.
Saraṇa-gamaṇa-vinicchaya Dīpanī.
Paramattha Saṅkhitta.
Vinaya Saṅkhitta.
Sadda Saṅkhitta.
’Alphabets’ Saṅkhitta.
Prosody Saṅkhitta.
Alaṅkā Saṅkhitta.
Spelling Saṅkhitta.
Paramattha Saṅkhitta.
Chapter on Material Qualities (in brief).
Nibbāna-vissajjanā Manual.
Ledi Questions and Answers.
Questions on Sotāpanna.
Sāsanavisodhanī, Vols. I, II & III.
Gambhīra-kabyā-kyan. (Manual of Profound Verses).
Open letter for abstention from taking beef.
Letter of reply to U Ba Bwa, Township Officer of Dedaye, saying that he could not go on a pilgrimage to Ceylon that year.
Admonitory letter to U Saing, Headman of Saingpyin Village, for abstention from taking intoxicants.
Admonitory letter to the inhabitants of Dipeyin Township for abstention from taking intoxicants.
Admonitory letter prohibiting lotteries and gambling.
An advice to hold a lighting festival at the Bo Tree within the precincts of Ledi Monastery, Monywa.
Letter to U Hmat, a ruby merchant of Mogok.
Inscription at Sīhataw Pagoda, written by the Venerable Mahā-thera Ledi Sayādaw at the request of U Hmat.
Epic on Saṃvega.
The English translations of the works marked () are printed in a single volume: The Manuals of Buddhism and published by: The Deputy Director, at the Religious Affairs Dept. Press, Yegu, Kabā-Aye P.O., Rangoon, Burma.
The Manual of the Supreme Man (Uttamapurisa Dīpanī. (BP 420S)
The Requisites of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiya Dīpanī) (BP 412S)
Manual of Insight (Vipassanā Dīpanī) (Wheel No. 31/32)
The Noble Eightfold Path and its Factors Explained (Maggaṅga Dīpanī) (Wheel No. 245/247)
The Buddhist Philosophy of Relations (Paṭṭhāna Dīpanī) (Wheel No. 331/333)
The Five Kinds of Light (Alin-Kyan) (BP 426S)
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- ·原始佛教与现存的上座部佛教(0)
- 84如何修行入出息念和经行
- 75从入出息念到四禅
- 42掌中之叶 止禅(禅修)的基础
- 27突破止观——帕奥禅师
- 19禅修入门与次第
- 17禅修基本须知 及专用词汇手册
- 16从安般念到四禅
- 13上座部佛教止观禅法
- 12入出息念修法管窥
- 6安那般那手册 VII. 禅修的姿势