1. Should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a woman in a seat secluded enough to lend itself (to the sexual act),so that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted, having seen (them),might describe it as constituting any of three cases -- involving either defeat, communal meetings, or confession -- then the bhikkhu, acknowledging having sat (there),may be dealt with for any of the three cases -- involving defeat, communal meetings, or confession -- or he may be dealt with for whichever case the female lay follower described. This case is undetermined.
1. 任何比丘私下独自和女人坐在一起,足够可以发生性行为。而一位可被信任的女信众看到了他们,她可能将其叙述为犯了以下三种戒律:Parajika, Sanghadisesa, 或Pacittiya. 而这位比丘承认了有坐在那里,有可能受任何这三种处份:Parajika, Sanghadisesa, 或Pacittiya. 或者任何其它女信众所描述的情况。这件事是不一定的。
2. In case a seat is not sufficiently secluded to lend itself (to the sexual act) but sufficiently so to address lewd words to a woman, should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a woman in such a seat, so that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted, having seen them, would describe it as constituting either of two cases -- involving communal meetings or confession -- then the bhikkhu, acknowledging having sat (there),is to be dealt with for either of the two cases -- involving communal meetings or confession -- or he is to be dealt with for whichever case the female lay follower described. This case too is undetermined.
2. 任何比丘私下独自和女人坐在一起,不足够可以发生性行为,但足够可以对她说猥亵的字语。而一位可被信任的女信众看到了他们,她可能将其叙述为犯了以下两种戒律:Sanghadisesa, 或Pacittiya. 而这位比丘承认了有坐在那里,有可能受任何这两种处份:Sanghadisesa, 或Pacittiya. 或者任何其它女信众所描述的情况。这件事也是不一定的。
上一篇:三十尼萨耆波逸提法(Nissaggiya Pacittiya)
下一篇:十三僧伽婆尸沙法(Sanghadisesa )

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